Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Scotland 2

More Pictures from the recent trip to Scotland.

Scotland is probably the best place to get shots of this sweet British species. Much sweeter than it's grey cousin.

Another Species that is "Scottish" is the Scottish Crossbill, very similar to the more common Crossbill. Also found in the Highlands are Parrot Crossbills. These are pictures of such birds, they were identified for us by an RSPB warden at Loch Garten. Apparently the size and shape of the bill identify it as a parrot Crossbill.

These are pictures of a female and her chick.

I used the trip to try and improve my flight shot skills now that i have my 600mm Lens. Think more work is required, what do you think?

The top two are Herring Gulls and this one above is a cormorant. Did take some more but yet to process them.

More to follow. Check out the galleries for better pics (see links)

Monday, 14 July 2008

You take the high road,

and I'll take the low road... Scotland, bonny Scotland. A must for all photographers and twitcher types alike.

Went to Scotland with Chris Grady recently and took some shots of Species I'd not got and some i'd not seen before.
Pair of Sika deer, I believe they were semi wild, certainly scared of the car and having a camera pointed at them.
Spent a long time with Chris confirming that this was a family of Sika. Even the books don't show much of a difference between Sika and Fallow, I think the tail and the antlers do it.

Okay you don't have to go to Scotland to see swallows but couldn't resist showing you this one of a chick awaiting food.

Again not neccesary to go to Scotland for Wheatear but again a first for me, shot taken from car.
We were kindly invited on to a small farm to take shots of these Sand Martins. These chicks fledged whilst we were watching them.

These are just a few of the many shots that I took in Scotland. I have yet to sort them all, i will update over the next few days.