Monday, 24 August 2015

Looking forward to an Indian summer.

What a changeable month August has been. Very few sunny windless days and quite a few completely unworkable.

I have concentrated mostly on the small stuff. I have been doing a bit of a project on hoverflies. There are over 280 UK species of Hoverfly so I'm told and 40 are considered common. I have been trying to work up to 40 and have been quite successful, I'm up to 26 at the moment and again I'm told that September is a good month for hoverflies so I'm reasonably hopeful that I can increase on that number. You can see my results on my Smugmug website.

Whilst doing hoverflies I've also seen a number of other critters, wasps, bee's, beetles and the like so it's been a great time. I've also had a few butterflies.

Common Blue and Painted Lady

Black and Red Squash Bug aka cinnamon bug.

Turnip Sawfly

Green Lacewing


Sawfly, Tenthredo notha

I have been amazed by some of the stuff I've seen, Stuff I've never seen before and didn't realise that was there if you just looked in the right places.

But unless we get the Indian summer I mentioned in the header for this post it will all to soon be over for another year and it will be back to fungi and then the birds.

Still I'm enjoying it whilst I can.