Sunday 12 April 2009

Warblers and more.

Its that time of year, the birds are singing their little hearts out. The good weather this Easter weekend has meant that I have had opportunity to try and find a few of them. I have seen and heard willow warbler, I have photographed this little chiffchaff.

It's not easy to catch them being still.

I've also been lucky enough to see and photograph this yellowhammer. He was giving it large calling for a mate and establishing his territory.

His typical song is easy to remember, Bill Oddie relates it as being similar to "a little bit of bread and cheeeeese!" I've always worried about Mr Oddie.

Away from the songsters I've been keeping an eye on my Little owls. Both are still in residence.

The Eastbach Owl is so timid, as soon as he spots me moving he retreats inside the hole. This was the best I could get this time round.

The Symonds Yat bird was enjoying a spot of sunbathing. He is not quite so timid, but doesn't venture too far out of the barn at all in the daylight.

I also wanted to get Rabbits. I know they are everywhere but I do believe their numbers are reducing. They are also very difficult to get close too. It takes time and patience, something which I have very little of. I did manage to get these.

Slightly saddening is this little cutie, it seems to have myxomatosis, note how it's eyes are shut and so red. I really do believe that its a cruel disease. It doesn't kill them immediately. I have seen some rabbits in the past that look absolutely horrific, just waiting to die. I accept that numbers need to be kept down but this is not a nice way.

I guess that man has to keep control, wish we were a bit more humane though. Hope you all had a good easter.


Bob Bushell said...

Where did you find the Yellowhammer?

Brian J Davis said...

On the common land behind clearwell caves.I think the road opposite the minors arms is the easiest way to get onto it.